Topographical Surveys
- Contour Surveys
- Volume Surveys
- Earth Work Surveys
- Route Survey
- Setting-out work
- GPS Control Surveys
- Auto Level
- Hand Held GPS Surveys
- Railway Surveys
Railway Surveys
- Total Station
- Terminal Counts
- Terminal Surveys
- Traffic Surveys
- Reconnaissance Surveys
- Preliminary Surveys
- Detailed Surveys
Road Surveys
- Road Inventory
- Longitudinal & Cross Sectional Features
- Road Structures Condition Survey
- Pavement Investigation
- Benkelman Beam
- Axle Load Pad
Commercial / Urban Developments/Smart Cities
- Levelling
- Topo Surveys
- Earthwork Estimation
- Soil Investigations
- Land Use Mapping, Zoning Maps
- Traffic Surveys for Traffic Manaagement Plans
- Building Project Marking & Plots Survey
- Socio – Economic Surveys
Socio - Economic Surveys
- Household Surveys
- Land Use Survey
- Traffic & Transportation Surveys
Traffic & Transportation Surveys
- Manual/Automatic Traffic Counts
- Turning Movement Counts
- OD Survey
- Pedestrian Counts
- Surveys for Signal Installations
- Spot Speed
- Airport Surveys
Airport Surveys
- Topographical Surveys
- Primary surveys and Secondary surveys from existing airports
- Soil Investigations
- Noise Monitoring and Sound Surveys
- Site Selection and Evaluation for Airports